吳嘉真 副教授
吳嘉真 副教授 研究室:弘毅樓 A330 分機:8720 E-mail:jessicawu@ntub.edu.tw
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- 色彩計畫
- 廣告設計與策略
- 商品包裝設計
- 文字造型設計
- 基本設計
- 設計概論
- 臺北市政府衛生局悠活體驗館童玩系列產品設計 (104.10-105.06)
- 翰橋貿易公司於墨西哥展場視覺設計 (104.07)
- 2016 國際研討會CIS與網頁設計 (XIV International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement) (103.09-104.05)
- 桃園市公車站牌路線圖設計 (銓鼎科技股份有限公司) (103.11-103.12)
- 大同大學紀念品模型包裝製作(103.04-103.05)
- 大同醫護網頁設計 (102.11-104.09)
- 東雅電子股份有限公司預防走失協尋系統之包裝設計 (103.09)
- 蘇格南皮鞋企業形象識別系統 (CIS) 設計與包裝設計 (102.09-104.02)
- NELO產品設計 (101.07-102.06)
- 跨院系創意開發產學合作案--LED 卡片燈設計 (101.07-102.06)
- LED光源對不同色彩布料色偏影響模式之研究,NSC 105-2221-E-036-006-MY2,2016/08/01至2018/07/31
- 以服務設計結合大數據分析探討智慧型公車站牌之設計研究,NSC 104-2622-E-036-009-CC3,2015/11/01至2016/10/31
- LED光源對視覺績效與情感反應影響之研究,NSC 103-2410-H-036-006-MY2。2014/08/01 至 2016/07/31
- Chia-Chen Wu*, Chih-Fu Wu, Chi-Chen Hung, Wei-Shin Huang, Pei-Jung Cheng (2016) Effects of color temperature and luminance of LEDs on color judgments involving various printing materials. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 24(3), 137-143. (SCI)
- Chia-Chen Wu*, Chih-Fu Wu, Pey-Weng Lien, Kai-Chieh Lin (2014) A Study of Semantic Analysis of LED Illustrated Traffic Directional Arrow in Different Style. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation, 8(8), 2657- 2665.
- 吳嘉真、吳志富、洪啟禎 (2015,03)。LED 光源對布料顏色色偏之研究。2015第22屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,元智大學。
- Chia-Chen Wu, Chih-Fu Wu, Pey-Weng Lien, Kai-Chieh Lin (2014) A Study of Semantic Analysis of LED Illustrated Traffic Directional Arrow in Different Style. International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomicsn (ICHFE), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August, 7-8, 2014.
- Kai-Chieh Lin, Chih-Fu Wu, Hsiang Ling Hsu, Yung-Hsiang Tu, Chia-Chen Wu (2014) A Study on the Effect of Design Factors of Slim Keyboard's Tactile Feedback. International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomicsn (ICHFE), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August, 7-8, 2014.
- 洪啟禎、施恆慧、吳嘉真、胡文超、吳志富 (2014,05)。LED 光源色溫照度與演色性對消費者選用水果之影響。2014中華民國設計學會學術成果研討會,大同大學。(優良論文)
- 吳嘉真、林楷潔、吳湘苹、胡文超、鍾文哲、吳志富 (2014,03)。工程車 LED 可變標誌之視覺人因評估研究。2014第21屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會,國立勤益科技大學。(最佳論文獎)
- Chun-Ming Lien, Hang-Ying Hsiao (2015), “RESEARCH OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VALUE-CONSCIOUS AND USAGE OF CONSUMER—A CASE OF SMART PHONE” , 2015 International Conference Kansei Engineering(ICKE) , December 03-06 , Tao-Yuan, Taiwan.
- Chun-Ming Lien, Chih-Fu Wu (2009),“Reflection on Intuitive Interfaces Operating of Products— a Facilitation or Obstacle?”, International Association of Societies of Design Research 2009, Oct. 18~22, Seoul, KOREA. ISBN 978-89-963194-0-5.
- Chih-Fu Wu, Chun-Ming Lien, and Fang-Ting Chao (2007).” A Study of Product Interface Design from Lifestyle Angle for the Geriatric – A Case of Digital TV Interactive Function Menu Design”, The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference, December 9-12, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, p.1-8. (in CD-ROM form). ISBN 978-986-01-1761-5.
- Chih-Chun Lai , Chih-Fu Wu, and Chun-Ming Lien (2007).” Foldable Saw Handling Action Research and Design Reformation”, The 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Conference, December 9-12, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, p.1-8. (in CD-ROM form). ISBN 978-986-01-1761-5.
- Chih-Fu Wu, Chun-Ming Lien, Jing-Yu Chiang (2007).”A Study on the Image Effect of Motorcycle Design Features”, The International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007, October 10-12, Sapporo, Japan, p.1-12. (in CD-ROM form).
- Chih-Fu Wu; Chun-Ming Lien; and Hsin-Yi Huan (2007).” A Study on Wearable Behaviors and Form Factors of Fashionable 3C Products”, The International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007, October 10-12, Sapporo, Japan, p.1-8. (in CD-ROM form).
- Chih-Fu Wu, Chun-Ming Lien (2006). “Computer Aided Optimization Design Based on Ergonomics for the Frame Form Generation of Electric Bicycle”, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Triennial Congress of International Ergonomics Association, July 10-14, Maastricht, The Netherlands, p.1-6. (in CD-ROM form), ISSN 0003-6870.
- Chih-Fu Wu, Chun-Ming Lien (2006),” Studies on the Difference of Geriatric and Disability Assistive Device”, The 36th CIE Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, p.1-12. (in CD-ROM form)
- 新型專利 (2011),燈具構造,公告號: M416044。
- 新型專利 (2011),磁吸文具構造,公告號: M412879。
- 新型專利 (2011),群組式造型收納盒,公告號: M412931。